An Overview on EPR with respect to Plastic Management Rule 2016


Capsule Course


0.30 Hours.




An Overview on EPR with respect to Plastic Management Rule 2016

Through this module, learns will be able to learn about Extended Producers Responsibility, It’s Guidelines, and It’s Implications 

Through this module, you will be able to learn about: 

  1. What is Extended Producer Responsibility
  2. Objectives of EPR
  3. Genesis of EPR
  4. Polluter-Pays-Principle
  5. Modalities of EPR Implementation
  6. Global EPR Provisions and Strategies
  7. Regulatory Framework for Plastic Waste Management and Other Wastes- Salient Features
  8. Salient Features of the Policy/Rules on Plastic Waste Management:
  9. Plastic Waste Management (PWM) Rules, 2016
  10. Highlights of Draft EPR Rules 2021
  11. Implementation of EPR in India
  12. Efforts Made By Various Brands and Procedures for Implementation of EPR

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